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Wait - We're Different?

Nico M.

Hey Team Happy Memorial Day weekend! Hopefully great vibes and good memories will be plentiful this weekend & perhaps you even get a festive inspired workout in? I'll post it below!

We'll call it the Memorial Day Shuffle!

Anyways, I actually just returned to the mountains from my father's home up north for a brief vacation with my pops and my sister before the craziness begins here in Asheville. Anytime with those two is definitely a good time but this time specifically was special. As you probably know, time has a funny way of working into people's lives and relationships. Some of that time it brings people together and closer and unfortunetely other times it works it's way in the middle to create some sort of distance. For some it's because we moved away for the military, some form of higher education, joining the peace corp or becoming a philanthopist even. The one thing I know about any of those things is that a specific person was born to be his or her own person in pursuit of what the Declaration of Independence calls happiness.


Something that is completely biased from person to person. It's wonderful, really.

Every time I have the chance to spend time with my family especially in my hometown- that word happiness tends to loop through my self-talk. Not just my happiness, in this case it was my father and my sisters happiness.

It's always very interesting to see how we each are aging because let's be honest- it's happening! I just want to appreciate the beauty in growth & gaining wisdom because that only happens with time. A big part of gaining that wisdom is figuring out what the heck makes you want to get out of bed in the morning? What makes you excited & what brings goose bumps to the back of your neck? What makes you cry even? All of these emotions should be working in our daily lives and appreciating the diversity of individual walks of life can be liberating because it's understanding WE'RE ALL DIFFERENT. Shocking, huh?

Even though I've known my father and sister my whole life and they have been such a positive and beautiful inspiration to me in different ways- we're all so different. We each have chose to walk much different paths in life but we continue to keep each other a priority. No matter how much we grow and evolve as individuals family or the people you love should always be in those priorities. We're not who we are without those people. FACT.

I'm going to ask you a favor for this Memorial Day and carrying forward:

When you're with the people you love and care about, be with them. Embrace them. Ask them questions. Learn from them. Close the Netflix app and laugh with your neighbor. :) I bet you will have some stories to tell!

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy yourself and the people you love!


Memorial Day Shuffle

Do 20 reps of each move after a 5 minute warm-up. Try to take minimal rest in between each move but make sure you're never exhausted past the point to where your form is failing. You got this !!!

1- Wood Choppers (Diagonal motion to your ankle, 20 each side)

2- Elbow Plank to Pushup (on your knees if you need, stay tight in the core and keep your butt flexed to promote your back to stay flat)

3- Mountain Climbers (you got this!)

4- Jump Squats (Stay in your glutes or your butt cheeks, not in your knees)

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