Yo Fit-fam! Nico here wishing you the absolute best during these continued trying times. Remember, this too shall pass. (That's what I keep telling myself) We've never gone through something of this nature at this complexity. Unfortunately with this situation, social distancing can easily turn into social isolation + that can be a very scary + lonely place. Now is the time to really practice our mental fitness + what it truly takes to deal with emotionally traumatic times like now. Now is the time to practice meditation! Meditation is a great way to build up resiliency within our nervous system + truly promotes total body awareness. Too often our thoughts control our days with very little mind to body connection + offsets our human physiology. Our body actually sends sensory messages to our brain all day long describing the current situation. We have so much science available to us now taking away dogma + stigma from this ancient practice + because of that I invite you to experience a 10 Minute Guided Meditation I randomly put together during one of my hikes recently.
Check it out below + be well in the meantime!
-Your Biggest Fan